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Shamestorming, shadowbanning, blacklisting, court of public opinion, the modern day Scarlet Letter

by Hawke published Feb 15, 2019 12:15 AM, last modified Feb 15, 2019 12:15 AM
As more and more people ignore the concepts of freedom of speech, especially speech that is disagreeable (the whole point of freedom of speech, it has never been an issue if the speech is agreeable), the days of the Scarlet Letter and the Mob are increasingly rising once again...

I am very saddened to see how much mob mentality is increasing, and suppression of dissenting voices is escalating. I don't agree with most of the voices that are being suppressed, but I believe they have the right to speak, and we have the right to ignore, but this has been taken to a whole new level with the modern day equivalents of The Scarlet Letter branding through:

  • Mob crowd-think and the court of public opinion rather than the rule of law
  • Shame storming
  • Shadow (and open) banning
  • Conviction of guilt by accusation rather than either beyond a reasonable doubt (criminal law), or a preponderance of the evidence (civil law) after being reviewed in a court of law, with the right to face the accusers, and proof of evidence (show me the body), etc.

I hope these increasing trends of ignorance and increasing groupthink mob mentality, doublethink, and doublespeech, will turn around soon...

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